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Главная Отзывы Анна Чечеткина

Анна Чечеткина

Лето 2013 год.

Великобритания, Лондон.

Школа: Embassy CES, Международный летний лагерь на кампусe University College London.

It was the best holidays in all my life. One year ago, I could not even think that’ll be in London. But I was there. I still can’t believe that, those 3 weeks were really cool! I saw a city, where I always have been dream to be! As I expected, everything was perfect: lessons, excursions, people and city, really everything. And now I’m going to tell you about the best moment in this wonderful trip.

Every day I went to excursions and studied in small groups with foreign people from different countries. There were lots of people from China, and it was really funny talk to them, because they had a little strange accent and sometimes, it was difficult to me to understand, what they have just said. Anyway, for me in was the great experience talk to foreign people to improve my level of language. Teachers also was kind and polite to us, it wasn’t an ordinary lessons, we played different interesting games, watched films, talk to each other and discuss everything, in which we were interesting in. I made lots of new friends, thanks to the lessons. I continue to communicate with Nicol, the girl from China, now, and I think it’s amazing!

In our free time, we visited famous places, museums, galleries, park and squares. Or just went shopping. My favorite places in London are Madam Tussaud’s museum and Trafalgar square. In Madam Tussaud’s museum was funny and so interesting! Those wax figures looked like real people, I took lots of pictures with figures of my favorite singers and actors, for example, with Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Leonardo Di Caprio and Emma Watson. I love Trafalgar square for its fountains with clean blue water. And this perfect view of the London streets! Enchant buildings, small souvenir shops, green grass and trees, red double-decker buses and very polite and friendly people! London became my favorite city; I’d love to live there!
Also, I like the trip to Brighton, we spend whole day there lying on the beach, walking on the streets and taking pictures. Brighton is a very quiet and beautiful town and I’d like to go there one more time.

Thank you, «Education Abroad” for this summer holidays.
It was really amazing and I hope, I’ll come to London next summer, because it is the most charming place, I’ve ever been.

Чечеткина Анна, 15 лет

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